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For The Exhausted And Overwhelmed Woman Who’s Sick And Tired Of Fluctuating Fatigue, Hashimoto's And Other Thyroid Autoimmune Symptoms:

I’ll Show You How I Recovered From Years Of Chronic Fatigue And Thyroid Autoimmune Symptoms While Losing My 'Thyroid Weight'

...Even After I Tried EVERYTHING And Spent Thousands On Doctors And Treatments With Little To No Results

Tap video to hear audiobook sneak peek 👇🏻

(free bonus with purchase of digital PDF copy)

Pick Up Your Digital Copy (plus 4 Free Bonuses), And Discover The Revolutionary Approach To Thyroid Problems Currently Helping Women Go From An “Average 4 Out Of 10” Wellness, To A “7+ Out Of 10” In As Little As 90 Days!

Terese Millhouse

I Help Women Finally Address The Root Cause Of Autoimmune Symptoms And Live The Life They’re Meant To Live.

Hey there, I’m Terese.

For the past few years, I’ve been helping women who deal with autoimmune symptoms to finally start feeling like their best, energetic, confident self again.

And I’ve been helping them to do it without the need for expensive supplements, weekly doctor's visits, or diets that feel uber restricting.

My work has been inspired by own journey with chronic fatigue and Hashimoto's thyroid autoimmune symptoms that left me feeling drained, exhausted, and irritated, day in, day out.

And on this page, I’d like to show you the same method that helped me to break free from the chains I felt my body had on me so many years ago…

And the same method that’s currently helping hundreds of other women to do the same.

I'll show you how I fully recovered and have naturally maintained that recovery since 2020, using simple nutritional and lifestyle wellness tools and recovery habits, without the fear that my symptoms might suddenly flare up again.

So how did I do it?

Well, I’ll tell you what NOT to do:

🛑 stop relying on crazy harsh diets that aren’t sustainable whatsoever

🛑 stop relying on medication alone, and

🛑 stop spending thousands on strict supplement / herbal protocols that don't address the root cause

I get it! I've tried many diets, medications and supplement protocols. I'd see a small improvement but it never lasted. My symptoms would keep coming back, often worse! The strict diet protocols were impossible to sustain, and always left me feeling hangry with cravings that just added to my stress levels! I was eliminating perfectly good healthy whole foods that I didn't need to eliminate, like nightshade vegetables, nuts and legumes.

So why weren't these things working? Because they weren't addressing the root cause of my autoimmune symptoms! That's the key and the vital piece I was missing, to not just deal with symptoms, but eliminate them all together!

That’s why, after my recovery back in 2019-2020, I created a unique 4-Step Chronic To Cured Recovery Method that I’m proud to say is now helping hundreds of women to discover the root cause, and take back control of their health, to:

  • Increase their energy...

  • Create long term preventative health...

  • Lose weight and/or maintain a balanced healthy weight...

  • Reverse thyroid autoimmune antibodies naturally...

  • Create simple, nutritious and delicious meals the whole family enjoys...

  • To reduce overall medical costs and minimise doctor's visits....

And inside my book, From Chronic to Cured, I’d like to reveal that exact same method to you.

You can pick up a digital copy for just $7.97 below.

When you do, you’ll also receive four additional bonus resources at no extra cost to help you beat those fatigue and Hashimoto's autoimmune symptoms for good even faster.


From Chronic To Cured

The 4-Step Method Helping Women Overcome The Challenges Of Fatigue And Hashimoto's Autoimmune Symptoms

Just $7.97

Pick Up Your Digital Copy (plus 4 Free Bonuses), And Discover The Revolutionary Approach To Thyroid Problems Currently Helping Women Go From An “Average 4 Out Of 10” Wellness, To A “7+ Out Of 10” In As Little As 90 Days!

See These Amazing Results! ⬇

Alisha improved her anxiety and nervous system from a 2 out of 10 to a 7 in just 28 days!

''Thank you Terese!!!! You set the foundation for my healing journey! I didn't even know food as medicine prior to meeting you so thank you!''

-Alisha, New York, USA-


Lisa's energy levels improved from a 4 out of 10 to an

8 in just 28 days!

''My energy has risen, bloating reduced and I can see that there is a track back to the real me...after just one week unbelievable!''

-Lisa, Hobart, Australia-


This book is not:

🚫 A magic pill or "you'll be fully recovered overnight" scenario.

🚫 A fad fasting diet or brain retraining.

🚫 A strict regiment of rigorous daily exercise or counting calories to lose weight.

Why? Because there is 'no one thing' that helps you to recover and stay recovered. It doesn't exist and this comes from someone who has tried EVERYTHING.

It takes commitment and action to implement a combination of five core pillars to target the root cause(s) of your symptoms, to recover, find balance in health and life, and stay that way! This is why my unique 4-Step Chronic To Cured Recovery Method works and significantly reduces the risk of relapse of your chronic autoimmune symptoms, long term!

This life-changing book will reveal my recovery story, intertwined with the Five Core Pillars of Balanced Wellness, as well as take you step-by-step through my unique 4-Step Chronic To Cured Recovery Method.

Are You Ready To Discover How You Can Go From:

Struggling to focus at work...

To being productive and advancing in your career!

Wearing ten layers of clothes just to stay warm...

To leaving the house and not needing a jacket!

Having constant mummy guilt and brain fog...

To lots of energy and quality time with your kids!

Anxious and cancelling on friends...

To confident and socialising!

Order your copy right now for just $7.97

And Get All These Bonuses For FREE!


From Chronic To Cured

Companion PDF Workbook

  • Exercises to personalise your recovery

  • Wellness Tracker to record your progress

  • Habit tracker to keep you accountable

  • Gut-Healing Food Swaps Cheat Sheet

  • Household Ingredients Watch List


Get the FREE Audiobook And Kindle File

Prefer listening to your books?

Order now, and I'll include the narrated (by yours truly) audiobook version of From Chronic To Cured for free.

The Kindle file will also be made available to you.

Audio and Kindle files are immediately accessible via the online platform, so you can listen/read on any device. Instructions are included to make enjoying the book easy.


Client Case Study Interview

Hear how Tash reclaimed her health and overcame fatigue, thyroid issues and repeated episodes of Glandular Fever (EBV), using the 4-Step Chronic To Cured Recovery Method.

Watch this inspiring short video recording of my interview with Tash, where she shares her story in her own words, and what helped her to overcome chronic autoimmune symptoms, to unlock energy and vibrancy in her life, even as a mum of two while running her family business.


Special Secret Bonus!

Discover how you can implement the first step together with the right guidance and accountability, to elevate your recovery! This secret bonus is waiting for you on the other side when you purchase the book today!

Here's What People Are Saying About

From Chronic To Cured, The 4-Step Method

“I was absolutely blown away by this book. From Terese being real and raw with her journey and story, her vision and mission. I had goosebumps from the first few pages. That feeling that she is a true authentic, genuine and vulnerable human being who has walked the path, and that she really cares for her audience, mums just like me, who have a career and an autoimmune condition and at times struggle to live into their full potential due to the fatigue and other symptoms related to their illness."

-Michelle L, Dubbo, Australia-


“This is one of the most helpful books I have read in my journey to learn more about recovery from M.E (chronic fatigue syndrome). This well-written book covers so much information, from explaining the causes of chronic illness to understanding Terese's successful 4-step Chronic to Cured recovery process. The step-by-step process is outlined with practical advice and exercises to complete, and is full of encouragement from Terese! Incredibly easy to read, I have learned so much and really appreciated the wellness and habit trackers included. Terese is dedicated to helping others from her own experience and her book is a must read.”

-Claire, United Kingdom-


“Terese’s book gives people a good road map of how to get started and what is needed to help them recover. Overall this a useful resource. It is concise, easy to follow and read, and the summary at the end is a great reminder of the processes to follow.”

-Michelle S, United Kingdom-


My 365-Day Guarantee To You

I guarantee you’ll find From Chronic to Cured and its 4 bonuses incredibly helpful.

If you don’t and you’re not satisfied in any way with the method I share inside the book, simply send an email to: [email protected] for a full refund.

This guarantee is valid for a whole year from the date of purchase.

Get From Chronic To Cured +

All 4 Bonuses

For Just $7.97

  • A Digital Copy of From Chronic To Cured, The 4-Step Method

  • Bonus Companion PDF Workbook

  • Bonus Audiobook and Kindle Files

  • Bonus Client Case Study Video Interview

  • Special Secret Bonus To Help Implement Step 1

Get Everything Above Today

For Just $7.97

About The Author

Terese Millhouse is a certified Wellness, Nutrition and Empowerment Coach (fatigue and thyroid autoimmune recovery), Reiki Practitioner and author, based in Hobart, Tasmania.

Terese is also a mum, widow (now fiancé and step-mum), author, and survivor of 7 years of chronic fatigue syndrome and 20 years of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

From Chronic To Cured Wellness inspires and educates women on how to support themselves at home to overcome the challenges of chronic fatigue and thyroid autoimmune symptoms, by implementing Terese’s unique 4-Step Chronic To Cured Recovery Method through her signature 1:1 and/or group recovery programs.

Terese was recently nominated for the second year in a row, in the Healthy Tasmania Health and Wellbeing Award category, as part of the Community Achievement Awards Australia 2023, and was named a finalist in the Wellbeing Services Business Of The Year Award category, in the 2023 AusMumpreneur Awards, for her support, education, inspiration and programs empowering women to take back control of their health, naturally at home.

Terese launched her highly anticipated brand-new book called ‘From Chronic To Cured’ in June 2023 to world-wide positive reviews, where she shares her own recovery story intertwined with the 4-step holistic method she used to recover.

Disclaimer: Always consult a medical professional before beginning any new wellness protocol. This information is not for the purposes of treatment, diagnosis, prevention or cure from medical diseases or syndromes. From Chronic To Cured Wellness makes no guarantees about the results you will achieve. All recovery has risks and requires different levels of effort and commitment. Results and recovery timeframes may vary with each person.

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